List your local Blue Mountains business
A free resource to help Blue Mountains businesses build connections, resilience and wellbeing.
Join the Blue Mountains Business Community Resilience Project
A free resource to help Blue Mountains businesses build connections, resilience and wellbeing.
Prepare your business to face future disasters
Recent disasters have had an enormous impact on businesses across the Blue Mountains. It’s time to build new capabilities so every local business can thrive.
coporate2community and BusinessBM are leading the two year Blue Mountains Business Community Resilience Project. The project will help the local business community connect, collaborate and strengthen resilience to face future disasters.

We’re here to help your business
Disasters will always be part of the business landscape. These resources will help you build the capabilities that are vital to the success of your business and your community.
Understanding your local business community
How resilient are you feeling?
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Get involved
Meet with other business owners in your region to create connections, strengthen capabilities and build resilience.Â
Virtual Workshops
Ahead of your workshop
Ahead of your workshop you will be invited to complete a business resilience assessment for your business using our Business Resilience Roadmap. This targeted assessment covers 16 areas that contribute to resilience in business and helps you to develop your own personal roadmap to building resilience in your business.
The Business Resilience Roadmap has been co-created with the business community in the Blue Mountains. It was developed by Resilient Ready in conjunction with Business Blue Mountains.
Completing the Business Resilience Roadmap is free for all businesses in the Blue Mountains. You can start it at any time.
At the virtual workshop
- Introduction to the Business Resilience Roadmap
- Local business leaders will share their experiences building resilience in business and discuss the 16 focus areas of the Business Resilience Roadmap
- Participants will be split into smaller breakout groups to meet each other, reflect on areas where they have identified gaps and discuss how they plan to address those gaps
- Opportunity to network (virtually) and form connections with other business owners across the mountains
The workshops aim to give our local business owners a forum to build skills in resilience planning and devote time to reflect on and increase business resilience.
- Duration: 90 minutes
- Bell, Blackheath, Blaxland, Bullaburra, Faulconbridge, Glenbrook, Hawkesbury Heights, Hazelbrook, Katoomba, Lapstone, Lawson, Leura, Linden, Medlow Bath, Megalong Valley, Mount Irvine, Mount Riverview, Mount Victoria, Mount Wilson, Springwood, Sun Valley, Valley Heights, Warrimoo, Wentworth Falls, Winmalee, Woodford, Yellow Rock
- Bell, Blackheath, Blaxland, Bullaburra, Faulconbridge, Glenbrook, Hawkesbury Heights, Hazelbrook, Katoomba, Lapstone, Lawson, Leura, Linden, Medlow Bath, Megalong Valley, Mount Irvine, Mount Riverview, Mount Victoria, Mount Wilson, Springwood, Sun Valley, Valley Heights, Warrimoo, Wentworth Falls, Winmalee, Woodford, Yellow Rock
How do we build a more resilient Blue Mountains business community? The answer is – together!
We’re celebrating Small Business Month in the Blue Mountains on 25-26 March with a jam-packed schedule of FREE networking, presentations and workshops.
We would love to see you there. You can read the full program here.
Friday Night Networking
Come along to our networking night and meet our special guest, small business advocate Peter Strong. Peter is the former Chief Executive of the Council of Small Businesses of Australia (COSBOA). RSVP here.Â
Empowering the Blue Mountains
Join Renae Hanvin at the ‘Do Tank’ and take part in a lively discussion about how we empower Blue Mountains small businesses in food, beverage and retail to thrive in the current era of disasters. Help deliver ideas that will make a real difference to our community.Â
What is Business Tourism?
Find out about the flow-on benefits for your business of drawing large conferences, exhibitions, and events to the Blue Mountains region. Business tourism has a deep impact on local economies and your small business stands to benefit when large corporates look west!
Other free workshops include:
- Finding and writing grants
- Getting ahead in business
- Social media for small business
- How to attract your best customers
- Introduction to negotiating skills
Get in quick, places are filling up fast.
We hope to see you there!
Register for our Business Resilience Roadmap
Local businesses across the Blue Mountains are invited to use our new free digital Roadmap to help prepare them for future disruptions and disasters and build resilience within their communities.